Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday some UNH kids stopped by...

2 buddies from UNH drove up to visit like I said would be happening.

I can't recall or share much of what I could recall, so I'm just gonna share a few points.

-send one UNH student, and one Umaine student to a mobile by foot... with $12 cash to buy a pack of cigars and they come back with one cigarillo. wtf? (...they tried again 3 hours later and got it right, almost)
-UNH kids suck at beruit
-Maine is cold, especially when you're outside with no clothes on
-things that don't have a lot of 'give' and are generally painful when you hit them; walls, floors, cielings, railings, the ground, doors, tables, chairs, boots, etc...
-...i'm realy sore this morning, everywhere.
-camera's are one of the greatest and at the same time worst inventions ever
-I punched "The New Hampshirite" in the balls, Wicked hard, Direct contact, I don't know why, I am really sorry, and I'm staying the hell away from him in the future...
-Fireworks last night...i don't remember why, but there were fireworks at like 10pm...?
-my roommate is a strong dude, i have one flash of memory of laying on the floor, then being lifted by him and thrown like 20 feet
-huge rolls of paper towels are amazing... especially when they're free
-vodka and rum. do. not. mix.

I don't really feel like writing any more of this, so i'll go search for a few pictures to post but for now i'm done... October 9th a possible future shit show at UNH for me and the Hampshirite... if anyone is interested in meeting up we'll make it happen.

1 comment:

  1. Oct 9th will be epic. I can't do math drunk. it was supposed to be 5-5 with a tie break but one of my readers pointed out how dumb i am...
