Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekend Highs and Lows

This weekend started on Thursday.
Just a few drinks with one of the housemates. Well, just a few drinks too many... according to the permanent marker (blue sharpie) all over the kitchen table and floor. Names on the table, lines marking things on the floor... well this table is a legit wooden kitchen table that one of my housemates brought up here and a friday morning text, followed by a Friday morning call at my bedroom door alerted me that I had fucked this up, prettttty damn bad. (I think I have some pictures... I have to mobile post those later)

So being the person of strong character that I am, the first thing I did when I realized the massacre I laid down in the kitchen was get on google and look up ways to remove permanent marker.

I knew of one way... that is take a dry erase marker and write over the permanent marker, then wipe it down with basically anything but a paper towel (but i used paper towel so it fucked up).

so since i fucked that up, i used the next most convenient thing on the google search... toothpaste with baking soda in it... so I squeezed some toothpaste over the writing, and just did the whole wax-on wax-off action, and VIOLA! It worked, toothpaste, toothpaste removed permanent marker from the table... thank goodness because gasoline was next on the list... (just an FYI about diesel fuel while i'm thinking of gasoline... if you know you've been in poisen ivy and you want to make sure it doesn't show up in a day or so, rub diesel fuel over all areas you may have gotten it on, it dries up the poisen ivy, kills it. You'll never see the rash)

I'll post some pictures next, then maybe write another post explaining some more of them... they are all from thursday - on.

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