Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Where you AT?

My second installment of AwesomeTuesday (AT). Pretty excited to be writing this early in the morning, my excitement from last night's Moe's Email kept me from sleeping soundly.

Where you AT? - Good news for students of Umaine???
Ahhh there you are good news!! I found some good news in This Article By The Maine Campus.
I suggest reading the whole thing because it relates to the school's budget and plans for a bit of the immediate future (next two years) but in case you are a lazy ass, here are two very interesting points:

"Gregory said UMaine will likely migrate away from the WebCT program and switch to Project NG, a hybrid of Blackboard and WebCT, because the next version of WebCT has tools for such a migration and will soon be phased out.

“They’ll be the same product at that point,” Gregory said.

Gregory said the plan calls for replacing Microsoft Office at UMaine and its sister campuses with less expensive software such as OpenOffice. UMaine spends about $70,000 per year on licensing fees for Microsoft Office."

So I guess we can take a couple good things from this. We may finally get settled into one system hybrid of WebCT and Mainstreet instead of having to use both for different things, routing emails, being bothered by multiple IT problems.. etc etc... it's about time, This is my second year here but I've yet to see any semblance of consistancy.

Also it appears that Umaine might finally "get it" and be switching over to OpenOffice which is and always has been free and basically offers the same services as Word 2007. They are projecting that could save anywhere up to $70,000 a year on licensing fees alone. Not to mention WE THE STUDENTS will be saving a lot of money if a change like this is made.

I realize now the Moe's E-Mail can't possibly be viewed by anyone but me as Epic as I view it, but it got me thinking, Where you AT - epic video online??

Well maybe one of the most random stumbles I've ever done on the internet led me to this video of an alligator eating a gigantic bird!!! Oh wait, that's a frog eating a bird, WTF!!!

Moe's also got me thinking of my childhood, because Moe's subs is part of my upbringing, and so I found another video this time that represents a big part of my growing up... by the way, I dedicate this video to The New Hampshirite for properly calling out weeks and weeks ago on his blog that Kanye West is
"(the guy is D-bag, don't support him)" and then again recently after Kanye's Most Recent Meltdown The New Hampshire had this to say "What Kanye did last night was low, immature and down right douchebaggic." So my video this Awesome Tuesday goes out to you New Hampshirite, Good for you New Hampshirite, you win again, HERE'S YOUR COOKIE.

Maybe another post later.. not sure. Def. Tomorrow unless something comes up. Please leave comments on all these posts. Also if you want to contact me, you can now do that via E-Mail at umoblackbears@rocketmail.com

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